
Archive for October 24th, 2011

Right. So let’s discuss the role alcohol can play in sports. Not sporting events that you or people you know are attending, or even sporting events you and or people you know are gathered round the hearth at ye olden time themed sports bar watching. At Runner’s Delight, right here and right now, we’re going to take a quick peek at drinking whilst playing a sport. Oh yes. And fine. we’ll look at what alcohol and exercise do to each other on a fitness level, too. Next post. Promise.

It All Started with Wiffle*

A few weekends ago, I found myself on a wiffle ball field (a large patch of grass with bases tossed down). Having come with un-wiffly friends, none of us had brought along equipment such as a bat or a ball. We had brought chips and salsa of course. And Mike’s Hard Lemonade (don’t judge). And beer. It became apparent as we warmed up with borrowed balls and bats that our team, Chicken and Wiffles, might not be sweeping the tournament we were attending. So we started imbibing adult beverages–and not just while in the “dugout” but on the field. While pitching. While catching.


I actually wasn’t aware that drinking was going to be kosher at this event, but every team had come prepared so to speak. There we all were, swinging bats, running bases, and returning to our bottles and cans (just clap your hands). As outfielders, we often had to decide between dropping our bottles and catching a pop-fly (saving the booze tended to win out).

Actually, I Bet it Started With Pong

It would be ridiculous to talk about drinking and sporting without at least noting the existence of beer pong. While exercise it really is not, it still warrants an honorable mention in the realm of drinking sports since it is derived from an actually exercise-inducing game.

Onto Kicking Things

Eventually I got a little bored of wiffle ball. Not of the people mind you, but of the game. We were merrily getting creamed like too-soft mashed potatoes, and our fighting spirit had never quite been in tact (I don’t think we realized how good everyone else would be) and a group of us decided to go check out the bison on the far end of Golden Gate Park, and took off on a nice walk under the Blue Angels. And as we walked, we passed this incredible looking game where a keg was located at second base. I had to investigate (in the name of Runner’s Delight of course) so I did what I do best: cheered.


Once my enthusiasm was noticed by the players on the field, who seemed to playing kickball, I was invited to join in on what was quickly known as “Sloshball.” In this game, every player on the field, including the kicker, is required to have at least a quarter cup of beer in their red-plastic cup at all times, which means you’re required to run around and catch holding beer upright. Oh, and all runners on the bases must stop at second to drink and fill their cup. Now this was drinking and playing.

Survey Says

Note that alcohol is threaded into games we would have all been playing in middle school PE class. Perhaps this is due to us all trying to erase the horrors of being 12 years old and in gym, or because the games are simple enough to play under the influence. Of course, alcohol sort of negates intense play if being consumed during play…

Anyway. Drinking alcohol in a non-binge fashion while playing sports with friends and strangers alike: assuming everyone keeps their monster-drunk tempers at bay, seems like a decent idea to me. Though not really sure how much actual exercise you’re pulling in.

*Okay fine. There might have been one soccer game long ago that we all went to post a beer garden party. But I’m keeping my lips zipped about that one.

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